Thursday, August 7, 2008


Well we missed our Cardinals game today which is a bummer because our family really had fun there last time we went. Toby's favorite thing right now is Cardinals baseball but staying home this afternoon seemed the best thing to do after the morning we had.

Abigail had her check-up echocardiogram today and man did she fight! She was even sedated for part of it and still put up her dukes. I felt so out of control. I couldn't comfort, console, distract, or even hold her down (she is a strong little thing!). I felt so helpless and who knows what the nurses were thinking. I did pray for God to help us get through it though and the good news is in the end they got the pictures and Abigail is still doing well. Praise God. I am reminded again of how God controls things, not me.

I did feel comforted when Chris and Toby came in to be with us. No matter what the situation I feel 90% of the tension release if he (Chris) enters it. What a blessing to have such a loving, comforting, strengthing, supportive partner. Today it was just him validating what we were going through in there and that "Our daughter really is a sweetheart!"

More on God's is in control, I received an email this morning with the Steven Curtis Chapman interview about the loss of his daughter Maria. What a testimony on how even when we can't understand God's plan we have to keep faith:

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