Monday, August 4, 2008


Well I just got in from getting the mail and cleaning dog poop off my shoes. Yuck! Sometimes I wish I could hose the whole house down with a pressure washer and organic cleaner.

I wonder if all dogs really do go to heaven? I hope not, or at least if they do maybe they don't poop, shed, lick, or jump on you in heaven. Ironically, I think the dog poop got on my shoes when I was picking up dog poop in the back yard (my least favorite task).

I am a little crabby today and I think it could be PMS. I yelled at the kids a couple of times and I hate when I do that. They get this frozen look on their face like "I think she may take my head off". I am talking screaming yelling not just a change in tone or volume. I always try to apologize to them and today I explained that yelling is not nice and Mommy shouldn't do it and we shouldn't do it to each other. I felt this was necessary as Toby (2) and Abby (1) have been doing some yelling at each other. Actually it's kind of funny to hear it coming out of their little bodies. In fact, they were going back and forth at the dinner table the other night. Toby spitting at her and her yelling at the top of her little baby lungs "NOOOOOO!". Toby ended up starting to laugh at her and we were giggling a little too but she was dead serious.

I prayed for God to help me get out of my funk today. It is a pretty good day besides the oven outside. I took the kids out for about 10 minutes, it was just too hot. Then I bribed them with juice to come back in. After that I decided to color with them instead of just watching them play because I was crabby (I like to color) and I colored a page that said "You are a very blessed woman". It was a little Christian book and it was the angel telling Mary about baby Jesus. So, God answered my prayer and I have been repeating that phrase all day "You are a very blessed woman". I am getting less crabby, despite the dog poop.

I wonder if woman are hungrier when they are PMSing or maybe I am just always hungry. I just had an eggroll with some homemade sauce. Eggrolls are just not as good out of the microwave but in this heat I could not turn the oven on for 1 eggroll. I still really liked the eggroll. I wanted sweet and sour sauce but we didn't have any so I used honey and vinegar. It doesn't taste the same but it was good. Then an organic chocolate chip cookie. I swear organic things somehow taste better. Funny thing though, I am still hungry!!!!

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