Monday, August 25, 2008

Case of the Mundays

Did you see that movie Office Space and remember that line "Do you have a case of the Mondays?". Funny movie, a little too vulgar though. Sometimes I feel like I have the Mundays disease. I feel like a slug and that my house is a disaster.

I remember even when I worked loathing Mondays. I make a point to try not to leave the house on Mondays and be relaxed but somewhat productive (start laundry, etc). I actually like Mondays now better. What will I do when I have to work again???

Today I started running around trying to pick up and organize (to get out of the Mundays I guess). I wonder if my mother-n-law is right, that you are happier when you are more organized.

Deep thoughts today :-)

BLT's for dinner and then Girls Night Out...woohoo!!!

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