Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Adventures in Mothering

Our MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group theme this year is Adventures in Mothering...Ephesians 3:18: “…how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.” When I first heard it I wasn't real moved but I thought I will go with it and make it work (from a leader perspective). I started reading the book and it is a collecion of short stories written by Mom's. It is good but still I thought....I am past the crazy stage of mothering. My kids are becoming more independent. Although, this week has definitely seemed like a rollercoaster, and I am realizing this theme is ME, not as a leader but as a mother.

Case in point: Started out today with the dog hiking his leg in the kitchen on the stove, floor, and on some recycled grocery bags. It was a lot. He must be losing his mind in his old age.....it did not seem an issue of control. Mess #1. We sat down to read books in the blue chair and I thought "It really is nice staying home with my sweet babies, the dog isn't going to ruin my day"......spoke too soon. Then Toby had two accidents in his pants this morning...he also must be losing his mind because he knows this is starting to put me over the edge. Mess #2 and #3. The man finally came to fix the dishwasher....YEAH! Put dishes in the dishwasher and got laundry started. Woohoo! Let kids watch Pooh this morning and started trying to fold laundry. They wandered into the bathroom and broke the pineapple soap dispenser on the sink. Abby was making a little gagging sound and I assume she ate some of the soap. Mess #4, and call to Poison Control, geesh. Then we ate lunch and went outside to play. Beautiful day!!! Toby wanted to get in the pool so I decided to be adventurous (purposefully) and we got suits on. We actually had fun.

Came back in to get naps ASAP (can't stand whining!). Before nap Toby pooped on the potty, YEAY! Suckers all around. Abby of course didn't eat her sucker instead sticking it to me, her, and all nearby surfaces. Mess #5. While putting Toby down I noticed I heard water running some where.......I know I turned off the hose. I went to investigate and found water all over the bathroom floor near the laundry room. Opened the commode basin to get sprayed in the face with the hose. Geesh, Mess #6. Not looking forward to hubby coming in from bad day at work and that is the first thing he gets to do. Ugh.

Some where in all of that I am realizing that the theme REALLY is fitting me. In all the craziness you sometimes lose track of your identity. I have heard this in the past before and thought "That's not me, my family is my identity" however there are still things I used to love like dance and listening to rock music that I need to touch base with once in a while. I need to touch base with things from my youth so that my children know to have fun with their youth and that I am not a crabby mean old mommy all the time. More than fun things though, I need to find the passions of my soul so that God will bless those and help me be a better Mom. I am not just a mess cleaner upper!

Now for ME time (in addition to writing this blog). Off to a work out and to listen to the Pixes "Where is My Mind?"......hehehe

1 comment:

Gus said...

Hi Mary....Gus here
Just read your comments and found them entertaining to see how you spent your day.
Your an awesome mom and the kids are great.
I think you got a good idea to sign up for a dance class or dance group (once a week?) You need to get out for yourself, by yourself once in a while to keep your sanity.
love ya......Gus