Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Control Freak

So, show of hands...who thinks I am a conrol freak? I always thought of a control freak as someone very neat and organized but I am realizing that it can take different forms.

Yesterday, I took the kids to the zoo with another Mom. This Mom has older children and is a little older than I. I felt like I was yelling at Toby to come back practically all day and I think this Mom may have thought I was a little nutty. I was having panic attacks all day if the kids left my line of site for even a second. There are a lot of people at the zoo and it only takes a second for someone to snatch them up. In hindsight I should have just made both of them ride in the stroller for the majority of the day, however, they really did have a good time running with the other kids.

There lies the dilemma. I am stuggling to find the line of letting them have fun and me keeping them safe. I like to think I am a good parent and am just setting boundaries and structure for them. Although, I realized the more I yelled at Toby yesterday the less control I had of the situation. I really don't like yelling at them either, it makes me feel like a really lousy mother but sometimes it's like 2 year olds just don't hear you.

Needless to say, I am very glad today to be back at home with the kids in our environment and I am not taking anymore trips to the zoo without Chris or a kid leash, lol.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't it our job to be control freaks? I mean, they are only babies. They need boundaries, limits, rules, etc. With that in mind, they are only babies. They will mess up and we can't expect them to be perfect.
I think you already answered your question, though. They should have been in the stroller. Toby is older and you can help him with learning about boundaries by letting him get out of the stroller at times you feel comfortable with it. He needs to understand, though, that if he does not listen and chooses to go beyond your set boundaries that he will get back in the stroller. If he fights it, then he is in the stroller until he is a little older and can handle the freedom.