Friday, March 19, 2010

You know you are a mother of preschoolers when...

1) You cannot shave both legs in the same day
2) You are up at least 4 times a night, and only one is a potty trip for yourself
3) You miss a lot of what people say because you are trying to create your own "quiet" time
4) You are tempted to take pictures of "shapes" in the toilet
5) 75% of your time is spent in your mini-van
6) Sometimes you hide in the bathroom with the door locked
7) You feel like your main job is cleaning messes, which occur every .05 seconds
8) You do not have new couches and probably won't for at least 15 years (sigh!)
9) You always come home from shopping crabby (with children)
10) When you do finally (or annually) get some honest to goodness quiet time by yourself, you can't remember what you liked to do before you had children AND you miss your children, isn't that a kick in the pants!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I love it when I go out in public not realizing I have kid's food, drool, etc on me!
Great list! :)