Monday, March 22, 2010

Mission Impossible

Our family is now on a mission, to defeat the virus that never ends. It just goes on, and on, and ON! I really don't know how much more of this I can take. As if getting up at 4am for two weeks isn't enough, Peanut is vomiting more often during the day now and T-man won't eat. All due to sinus drainage? ARGH!

Weapons of choice:
  • antibacterial wipes
  • Vitamin water
  • Blueberries (in muffin form of course)
  • sleep
  • COFFEE (I even pulled what I will lovingly refer to as a Julie Potter today. I made coffee at 4:30 in the afternoon. Yes Julie, if you read this you can smack me next time you see me :-))
  • Mylanta, Xantac, and now Amoxicillan
Any suggestions on mission impossible, I am all ears.


Anonymous said...

I recommend a probiotic to get their guts in balance. Yogurt is a good source. If they need an immune boost, cook your meals with lots of garlic and why not try to get them to drink some homemade chicken broth and ecchinacea tea with honey. It won't hurt them to try. Get well, friend!
p.s. I am not a doc, this is just what I would do if my family were struggling to get well from a never-ending virus that the docs can't do anything about ;)

Jenny said...

Probiotics are a good idea. I would also add to not feed the little one any solid food until the vomiting stops. If she keeps throwing up on clear liquids, you've won a trip to the doc or ER of your choice for dehydration. If she can keep liquids down, then only liquids. BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast) initiated in very limited quantities after. For Toby, he'll eat when his tummy is ready. BRAT diet again might help. They can go days very easily on liquids alone, even though their energy may not hold out. Good luck! MIndy's disclaimer holds for me as well! :) You're a smart girl--hang in there!!!

Aimee said...

Change everyone's'll be amazed!