Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Partners in Crime #9 (that I have blogged mind you)

So today, we were playing in the basement. It was a slow going day as we all were a little under the weather. I decided to get a work out in and was doing some crunches when the children decided they wanted to get out the kiddie pool and pretend they were swimming. Excitement ensued. Next they decided to run upstairs and get their suits on. I thought, they are both big enough to get their suits on and they know where they are so I will let them be the big kids they are........right.

About five minutes or so go by and they are not back, and kids their age move like lightening so I start to wonder. I also notice the upstairs is deadly silent, time to move. I jog up the stairs to find not one but two preschoolers, naked, on top of a dresser. Oh, did I mention said dresser had been scooted over to the closet and they were getting ready to scale the closet onto the top shelf (where Peanuts swimsuit was)? Well they were. How I did not hear this debacle I do not know. I made it just in the nick of time to avoid, I am sure, what would have been our 3rd (yes 3rd) ER visit of the year.....and it is March. Thank you Jesus.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Oh my! That's a good one! I'm very glad they're safe.