Monday, March 15, 2010

Hearts At Home

What can I say about Hearts At Home? Honestly, it's hard to describe how good it was. I laughed, I cried, I learned, I truly felt God's presence, I had FUN, and mostly I was reminded that the most important thing I can be doing right now is being a Mom. Mom's are world changers.

Some highlights:
  • Sally Baucke - HILarious mom comedian that had material from driving her minivan to buying a super sucker for her boys toilet (if you know what I mean)
  • Nicole Johnson - A writer, speaker, and dramatist who went from a funny monologue on "The Case of the Missing Mind" to a most tearful "Arsenist Mom" about how a mom's angry words can burn in her families heart
  • Mark and Jill Savage, Hearts' founder, who talked about their book "Living With Less So Your Family Can Have More" and how living with less stuff and activities produces closer and happier families
  • Christy Nockels - beautiful singer and worship leader, you must hear her song "No Not One", she also provided some awesome testimony on being a Mom and listening to God (you will need to pause music at the bottom)

  • Mom's Night Out - which not only included some great entertainment the night before the conference started but also a great dinner with some great friends :-)
I told the girls that I want to do it again next year but want to add some down time, it was a whirlwind! I also want to lasso some more Mom's to check it out. Good stuff!

1 comment:

Scott Family said...

I went to Hearts a Home twice before my pregnancy with Nathanael. It was sooooooo great! Glad you had a great time!