Thursday, March 12, 2009

Funny things I learned about having gall bladder surgery

  1. The recovery room is HUGE, weird, and a little scary, especially if you are blind as a bat
  2. Emptying a FULL bladder after being on paralyzing anesthesia is tough.....think waterfalls, waterfalls, waterfalls
  3. They fill your belly up with gas to do the surgery and don't always get it all out afterwards, like I needed any more
  4. You turn from a hare to a tortoise and have to move in slow motion; think old woman crouched and shuffling around her house
  5. Two words: DRY MOUTH

Just wanted to thank everyone who is loving and caring for me: Chris, Mom (Renee), Jenny, Michelle, Mindy, Kelly and Jim, Laura, and all of my MOPS sisters, friends, family, and church family for prayers. You all truly radiate God's love and kindness. Also thanks to my beautiful children who are being gentle with mommy because her belly hurts. Love to you all. Now back to my two good buddies Jon and Kate :-)


Jenny said...

Jon and Kate have the prescription for a speedy recovery! Hope you're doing well--I'll give you a call soon.

Scott Family said...

Funny! I am happy for you that it is all over :). I hope you are taking it easy. Call you tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Oooh! Do you have season 3?!

budmom said...

No, Jenny taped some new ones for me though, thanks Jenny!