Thursday, April 22, 2010

Cool Kids

I met some cool kids at Glennon's Costas Center today. If you have a moment please pray for them:

Trenice, 16, pray for her to bring her grades up before school's out
Tevin, 16
Chloe, tiny 5 year old, was very sad today
Holly, 17
Cody, 8
Amber, 23, recovering from surgery
Ally, 5
Tiffany, 8, had a surgery today
Christopher, 11, the coolest of the cool, came as a helper today!

The kids (and parents) really inspired me. Most of them were upbeat and smiley even though many have been enduring a long haul. Of course, it might have been because Kurt Warner was paying them a visit too but I doubt it.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Hey Mary--this doesn't have to do with your post, but do you link any blogs to yours?