Thursday, September 25, 2008

Do nothing day

Sometimes you gotta have a do nothing day. Either you take it to rejuvenate or your body and soul just rebel. Unfortunately I am of the latter breed today.

I am good at getting myself a little too busy. Not just physically but mentally also. Since I am not a list person, to my husband's dismay, all of those mental bubbles floating around can get overwhelming at times. Mental bubbles of need and want to do's get hard to prioritize and you sometimes end up being good at wasting time. Mind you this is very different from "doing nothing". "Doing nothing" days are guilt free :-)

It is nice to do nothing though, take some deep breathes, just "play" with the kids, and even look at the landscape of the neighborhood with a little more appreciation. And of course, no housework or running around (even to the grocery store!).

I think I need more do nothing days or I am getting on the "Simplicity" wagon again. I am glad I posted "Simplicity" in my kitchen!!!

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