Sunday, August 29, 2010


This week I confessed to a dear friend that sometimes I crave being alone, most simply because 1) Being alone is hard to come by these days and 2) When I am alone is when I most feel like I can BE with God. I do realize the irony that someday I will crave the people and the busyness and I will have GADS of alone time but I digress.

God heard me. This morning I took the children outside to play and brought along my bible and a book hoping to soak in something to get me through the week. They did play and I did read but before I knew it they had vanished inside with their Papa and I was alone. Not only that but I had dove into a book that spoke God's word so eloquently (especially in my right here, right now moment) I could cry.

Psalm 46:10 (New International Version) 10 "Be still, and know that I am God;  

Thank you God for answering my prayer, via the Holy Spirit, because my prayer life has been pretty stinky lately and for pointing me to Nicole Johnson's "Fresh Brewed Life" this morning. I normally wouldn't review a book until after I finish it but I know this ones a goodie. I saw Nicole's acting and speaking at Hearts at Home and she is truly a woman after God's own heart. 

Fresh Brewed Life A Stirring Invitation To Wake Up Your SoulFresh Brewed Life A Stirring Invitation To Wake Up Your Soul by Nicole Johnson

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love this, love this, love this!

View all my reviews

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I like your post! :) I have been trying to find that balance of needing to immerse myself in God's word and prayer but also wanting fun reading, away from reality.

I love the Jason Gray song added! I can loan you my CDs if you want more of the songs!