Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Partners in Crime #14 - Watermelon Slush

So the kids talked me into buying a watermelon this week. I have had a hankering for sweet stuff lately (hence the ice cream, oreo, and pretzel m&ms purchases, which are super yummers, but I digress)..... so I caved. Yesterday they were wanting some but THEY wanted to slice it. AS IF (they always ask to slice things and I always say NO). However, as I am trying to be more fun and loving with them I decided to give them each a big hunk and a little scoop/baller thingy and go to town.

I am embarrassed to admit I was in the room and only realized an intervention was needed when they were getting ready to dump LOTS of cinnamon on the slush but we all have our moments I suppose and these kids are movers and shakers if you know what I mean. They were reenacting a Sid the Science Kid episode where Sid and his buds make applesauce. Only this was watermelon..........slush.

I wish I had a picture of the plate/table of slush. At least they had fun and I, though firm, was not angry at them or the sticky floor. Hooray!

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