Saturday, January 16, 2010


Three great things in Parade today:

2) An offer for a FREE copy of Jillian Michaels new book Master Your Metabolism : - I am reading this book and it is interesting how diet and environment can throw our hormones out of whack, scary too though.

3) Brief blip on Meryl Streep as Julia Child's in Julie & Julia (which I loved!). Amy Adams is always good but Meryl Streep as Julia Child...WOW! Such a joyful and unique person! I may put her biography "My Life in France" on my to-read list.


Jenny said...

Hey Mary--just leave "Julie and Julia" (the book) off your must-read list. She is quite fond of 4-letter words, and it gets pretty political at times. "My Life in France" is a better choice--I gave to my mom a few years ago and she loved it--it's on my bookshelf to read after "Heat" which I'm reading now.

budmom said...

when you have a chance, create a Goodreads profile. It takes two seconds and you can log books you read or want to read. In fact, I'll send you an invite.