Saturday, January 9, 2010

Four Eyes Forever

I was evaluated for LASIK surgery last night and honestly I was pretty cut by the results. I guess the thought of not being visually handicapped at times (I have to feel for my glasses in the morning) gave me a little warm and fuzzy hope. Although, knowing this is considered cosmetic and very expensive, well I was praying to do the right thing.

They told me because I had thin corneas and a very high prescription I wasn't really a good candidate (borderline). They could however do lense implantation for only $2000 more than the LASIK ($6000). Visian (lense implantation) hasn't been around as long and is a little more invasive. Plus, if my eyes change anymore, and they have just in the last few years, I'm hosed!

So I got a pretty good gut feeling that this wasn't for me and I went ahead and ordered new glasses. I am thankful though that I have sight at all and the resources to see well. One thing to look forward to though, in heaven I will have perfect vision :-)

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I've always wanted to know my candidacy--my brother had it done. I have astigmatism, so I know it's more difficult.