Saturday, April 25, 2009


We just got back from the United concert. Michael W. Smith and Stephen Curtis Chapman were absolutely amazing in their music and their testimony of how great God is. I have never cried so much at a concert but it was not somber by any means. Stephen Curtis Chapman especially moved me in talking about how he has changed since losing his daughter Maria and that he had to ask God Can I still sting my songs with the integrity and truth that I have in the past? Then he added a verse to "It's all yours God" after talking about how even our families are gifts from God. He and a friend started a ministry for orphans called Show Hope  they are opening an orphanage/hospital in China called "Maria's Big House of Hope". Apparently she liked that song "My Father's Big Big House" and had a special talk about it with her parents just a year before she died. Oh yeah, and he changed the last line of "Cinderella" too. Instead of "and she'll be gone" it was "and I know the dance will go on". 

They finished off the night with everyone singing Healing Rain. It was just awesome! 

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