Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Little People

I have started to notice I can relate to the children in ways I never before imagined. It's fun watching them develop into their own character but also sweet when they take little pieces of us with them. For example, T-man has taken up rollerblading. He started goofing with my old rollerblades in the basement and before you know it, he is fast and furious "better than Mama", he says, on his own rollerblades. I can't wait until we can go to the park together and have some fun.

Peanut has a great sense of humor and loves to crack jokes like her Papa. She also likes to have her feet rubbed, "that's good" she says. Definitely her Father's daughter. Today she said "Mama, can we lay down and watch Food Network together". Are you kidding kid? YES!

We have also started reading chapter books together and it's fun to hear them repeat back details or discuss the story, and even more fun for us. They are growing and becoming more independent but this new "Little People" stuff gives me hope that even though our relationship will change, it will still be close.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Did you ever think you'd get there? Do you think you'll ever get them both in full-day school? It does happen pretty quickly, even though there are days that definitely drag by. Enjoy! BTW, I love your new picture.