Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Well I had a lovely Mother's Day. It started with the children excitedly getting up before 7 to help make Mama breakfast, which is saying something because sometimes they sleep until 9. I had french toast, berries, and coffee on a tray in bed. It included two small roses from our rose bush too, how sweet! Then we made it to church by 9:30 and we went to Sunday school where they colored me pretty pictures. Abby kept saying "it's your special day Mama!".  

I don't know if it was the breakfast in bed or if I thought since it was mother's day I was allowed to gorge myself with junk food but diet wise, it was down hill from there. I picked Lion's Choice for lunch with soda (not diet). Ugh. Later we met up with my mother and grandmother for dinner followed up with chocolate cake and cookies my sister made. It was all good but my stomach is doing some somersaults. 

All in all though it was a good day and I was glad to spend time with my family. Oh, and I got a great mother's day gift. Only Office fans will get it but I love it!

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