Friday, November 14, 2008

Wow, their my kids!

Yesterday was a little different then most Thursdays. Toby's was off school (CDO) so I took both kids to the Little Gym. After some initial upset at the beginning Toby literally dove right in. He was like a little Olympian diving, jumping, and somersaulting. His teacher asked if he had had classes before and I said nope, he just goofs around somersaulting with his sister at home.

I was just so proud of him. After crying for Papa at the beginning he did a 180 and showed such confidence, athleticism, grace, and a desire to have fun. It made me wonder what he was going to grow up to be but gave me a warm feeling it was going to be something that he and I would be proud of. I so love that boy.

Little Abster held her own too. Though usually she ignores me coaxing her to pay attention to the teacher, she did great! She listened and participated and had a lot of fun too. Although, she still wouldn't let the teacher help her "Let Mommy do it!", I didn't mind. She is a Momma's girl.

My warm feelings about them yesterday were good because today they really wore me out with whining, nagging, and temper tantrums. Not to mention our first poop potty accident in days, ugh!

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